Young Pros
One of the fastest growing populations in Raleigh
are a group of people known as “young professionals.” These are recent college graduates and other young adults beginning their careers and seeking long-term relationships.

These are recent college graduates and other young adults beginning their careers and seeking long-term relationships. Midtown Community Church was planted back in 2009 with a strong backbone of young professionals. We remain a very young church demographically, and our desire is to continue providing a place where young pros can find a spiritual home.
In addition to our community groups which remain one of the best ways to get involved in our church, we have a young pros ministry where they get together on a monthly basis to socialize and build relationships.
If you are interested in seeing what our Young Pros are up to, reach out to Michael Merritt at for more information.
The Midtown Connection
Midtown’s newsletter will help you connect with the people, ministries, and current events at Midtown.