Men’s & Women’s Ministry
One of the ways to get more connected at Midtown Community Church is through our men’s and women’s ministry. Below you will find some of the ways that you can connect:

The men and women of Midtown will get together every other month through a variety of social events. You will find the men gathering for sporting events like golf, disc golf, bike rides, or just meeting up on Tuesdays at Lynwood Brewing Concern for a drink after work. The women will do events like “wine and design” night, Christmas ornament exchange, ice cream, “games and giggles”, or hiking. Follow us on social media to stay aware of those opportunities. Both the men and women will also do a monthly “lunch ladder” which gives individuals an opportunity to share a meal with each other one-on-one.

Discipleship Groups
Discipleship groups are intended to provide a context for people to pursue intentional and deep Christian friendships in a small group of 3-5 people. These are same-sex groups which provide a safe place for us to really talk about the things we are struggling with. If you need accountability in an area or a consistent sounding board for sensitive issues in your life, this is the benefit of discipleship groups. Discipleship groups also allow you the opportunity to focus on specific areas of discipleship like family, singleness, sexuality, etc. In many ways, Jesus’ relationship with 3 particular disciples (Peter, James, John as seen in Mark 9:2) is the first discipleship group within the church. If you are interested in a discipleship group, reach out to the following:

Bible Studies
Midtown will periodically offer bible studies for both men and women throughout the year. They are the context for really growing in your knowledge of the Scripture, and wrestling with how that knowledge transforms our daily lives. If you are interested in learning more about Bible studies, reach out to following:

Every year, the men and women will get away for a weekend of fellowship, teaching, worship, and fun. Typically the the Men’s Retreat takes place in the Fall and the Women’s Retreat takes place in the Spring.
The Midtown Connection
Midtown’s newsletter will help you connect with the people, ministries, and current events at Midtown.