Community Groups
Join a Community Group
Community Groups are small groups of people who meet during the week for the purpose of developing authentic relationships with people and with God. Some groups share a meal together and talk about the sermon from the prior week, while others work through a book of the Bible or book study. This is one of the best ways to connect with others at Midtown Community Church. If you see a community group near you, feel free to reach out to the leader by emailing them at the contact information below!

- Led by Warren & Brenna Wright, Joe & Mo Wilbur
- Tuesdays @ 5:45 pm
Northeast Raleigh
- Catie and Courtney Killinger
- 1st and 3rd Wednesday; 7:30-9pm
South Cary
- Michael and Gwen Vuke, Jayson and Charity Cleary
- 1st and 2nd Wednesday; 5:45-7:15
North Cary
- Wally and Eowyn Tinsley
- Sunday afternoons
North Raleigh
- Pat and Marissa Wallace, Nick Gibson, Liz Oliver
- Wednesday evenings
North Ridge
- Sarah and Dan Breazeale, Lindsey and Kara Williams
- Tuesday evenings
- Kyle and Madison Doss, Michael and Amanda Merritt
- Wednesdays 6:30
Youth Families
- Joseph and Julie Schlosser, Jennifer and Todd Burdette
- Sundays
The Midtown Connection
Midtown’s newsletter will help you connect with the people, ministries, and current events at Midtown.